Become an Advanced Coach

All coaches are encouraged to learn and develop their coaching knowledge. One way to do this is by working through the accreditation levels that service the environments you coach in.

Not done an accreditation course yet - read here

Get Started – Register through the Community Cricket Coaching website page (note this will open in a new window so to return to this News item go back to the original window)

Having registered (and now that you are logged in) you will be able to access the Introduction to Coaching modules (1.5 hours) through the Learning Management System (LMS).
Click here to go to courses page and hit the green LAUNCH LEARNING tab | then select the Introduction to Coaching course and complete.

Once completed, you are encouraged download the CA Coach App and do the Junior Coach Course modules on the App. (1 hour) Be sure to complete the Self-Assessment and Reflection statements.

Once you have successfully completed the Junior Coach Course visit the course listing page and register for a (2 hour) face to face course to become an accredited Community Cricket Coach.

Already a Community Coach? – read here to learn how to become an Advanced Coach

Why not take your development to the next level by engaging with the Advanced Coach Course.

  1. Step one is to complete the Advanced Coach online modules via the Learning Management System. Click here
  2. Login and go to Courses and Workshops from the side menu / hit the green LAUNCH LEARNING tab | then select the Advanced Coach Course and commence.
  3. If you go into the LMS and the Advanced Coach Course modules are not showing for you, it will be a simple fix. Email, state your name and email address. Provide the details of how and where you completed your Community Coach face to face session, and they will get you activated and up and going.

Once the modules have been completed look out for a one-day face to face course in your state/territory to complete the Advanced Coach accreditation.

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