Female Coach Project

1. Recognised the outstanding contribution of 27 female cricket coaches 

2. Engaged in a co-design of future coaching programs - by females for females


The cricket landscape is changing. And yet, despite the participation growth at a community level and increasing numbers of female role models, there remains a lack of awareness of and opportunities specifically for female coaches within the sport. Aligned with the Cricket Australia Strategy for cricket to become the leading sport for women and girls, the Coach Development team delivered a Female Coach Initiative to inspire a shift in quantity and quality of female coaches within our community. In so doing, we recognised current female cricket coaches for their outstanding contribution to coaching in their area. These coaches also partook in a co-design workshop, developed a coach program targeted at the community and representative level. It will help generate greater awareness around female coaching in Australian Cricket and will support current and future female coaches’ involvement and development within the sport coaching landscape.



  • 27 ambassadors in cricket areas who encourage and empower women and girls to become and remain a participant in the sport;
  • Engaged in the co-design of coach education programs tailored to engage female coaches at the community and representative level;
  • Give female coaches the support, knowledge, resources and confidence they need to succeed;
  • Greater numbers of female facilitators of courses who are part of the change in the way coaching is delivered;
  • Establish and grow an inclusive female coach network;
  • Step towards cultural change – cricket is a sport for all.




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