
Synthetic Surfaces

In 2007 the Australian Football League (AFL), Cricket Australia (CA), Sport and Recreation Victoria and JLT Trustees (the insurer to both the AFL and Cricket Australia at the time), commissioned Federation University Australia (formerly the University of Ballarat) to determine whether specific criteria could be developed for the use of synthetic grass for Football and Cricket.  

Following a number of tests on natural turf football and cricket ovals, Federation University Australia developed a set of criteria that would enable synthetic turf to mimic the performance characteristics of natural turf. The AFL and CA subsequently endorsed the playing of community level Football and Cricket on a synthetic surface meeting those criteria. 

Since the development of the synthetic turf standards, the AFL and CA have established a licensing program that ensures the quality of products being manufactured from a performance and longevity perspective and that the products comply with safety and insurance requirements. This licencing program relates to the synthetic product used across the field of play/the outfield. It does not include synthetic products used on centre synthetic cricket pitches. 

The AFL/CA ‘Approved Synthetic Turf Product’ mark is awarded to those products that have been subject to a series of stringent laboratory tests. These tests currently include those for durability, joint strength, resistance to weathering, ball roll and bounce, hardness, critical fall height, traction and abrasion.  

A number of environmental factors should be considered when investigating installation of a full synthetic grass surface playing field. CA strongly recommends that the Environmental Sustainable Design (ESD) and construction considerations outlined in the Community Cricket Facility Guidelines be discussed with suppliers and/or installers prior to the installation of any new or upgraded synthetic playing fields.  

The AFL/CA Synthetic Turf Product Certificate is not intended as a product endorsement beyond one of suitability and acceptability for community level football and cricket competitions 

Synthetic Turf - A Surface for Australian Football and Cricket

General Information  


Standard and Certification Information